A sunny Saturday morning greeted us for our washed out Rd 3 game against Bangor. Everyone is understanding their roles & positions a bit better as the season goes on, and with Lucy joining Raiden, Oscar & Kory up front, we had a couple of really good breaks and genunie chances. Unfortunately, Bangor had a few lucky goals go in, while ours slammed into the posts, with Raiden’s shot being a stand-out.

Oscar’s determination resulted in a great goal which had everyone hoping for a few more. I was really proud with some of the things we did in that game, and i can see improvement in individuals as well as within the team.

Player of the week was awarded to Maliya, who defended the goal proudly, shutting down a heap of Bangor’s raids with good speed anc clearing kicks, and she made sure they had to work hard for the ball.

Well done guys, Dave.

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