21D: Round 6 vs North Sutherland 1 at Sutherland Oval. 1-5 Win.

Was this the same team that was embarrassed (and that’s exactly what it was) just a week earlier?  The faces on show were no longer struggling with a hangover and a healthy attitude reset saw Engadine rejuvenated and at their free flowing best against North Sutherland on Saturday.  Engadine welcomed back Jeff and Sam into the squad to try to spark an attack which was shooting blanks in the derby.

Engadine corrected some naive tactical errors that they had been making in the past and although still always a work in progress, now had more of a purpose to the way that they played.  Timing was still an issue shown by the almost 10 offside calls in the first half alone but it was good to see that there was a purpose to what they were doing and were rewarded with four first half goals to Ben and Jenko, while Jeff bagged a brace.

Although frustrating that the same attacking energy wasn’t there in the second half, control of the match was always in the visitor’s hands and the purposeful approach was what was really most impressive.  Let’s see how much this can be built on before round 12 at the cow paddock that is otherwise known as Anzac Oval.

With a microphone stuffed in his face post match, Jack had no comment on the fact that he only just failed to set a new Shire Football record by being the first player to score 4 own goals in 4 consecutive matches.  He tried his best to get a foot to the scoring North Sutherland shot, but just couldn’t quite get there.  This isn’t a record that many player’s have a shot at in their career and unfortunately he has let his chance slip.  Tough break lad.

With the weather not looking too kind for Saturday, rumour has it that the captain is supplying beers at his pad.  Stay tuned.

Check out the Engadine Crusaders Facebook page for a full match gallery and as always don’t be shy to tag or leave a comment.


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