Hey everyone,
Last year the club transitioned from an old paper based newsletter to communicate news and match reports, to a purely online version via the club’s website at http://www.engadinecrusadersfc.com/. It was a success and now we are looking to really get everyone in the club involved in posting content for their team.
It is really easy and quick to post a match report or comment (as big or small as you want to share). With one click the match report can then be ‘Liked’ on Facebook and talked about/shared with their friends. It’s this sharing that we want to encourage as it gets the kids and community excited about playing football which in the end is why we’re all here so please let your team know about the match reports section.
Below is a quick run through to show you how to post and view a match report. And remember, it can be as much or as little as you want. It’s your team’s section after all!
1. Here is the homepage at http://www.engadinecrusadersfc.com/ Scroll down to view ‘Latest News’ including any important club announcements, followed by the ‘Match Reports’ section where you can add your own posts.
2. After scrolling down you reach the Match Reports section. This is where you can fill in the ‘Submit Report’ form and post your team’s match report or write up for the week. Remember, it’s tagged with your team so you can use the section to post whatever and whenever you want and see it published instantly.
3. By using the navigation menu at the top of the page, you can then head to the ‘Match Centre’ section of the website which will let you see posts organised by team. By clicking on a post you can then comment and share as you see fit.
Finally, if you could pass on the links to our social media pages to everyone in your team then communication across these channels will be a lot more effective.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/engadinecrusadersfc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EngaCrusadersFC
Thanks and have a great season!
Dane Williams