Welcome to the 2012 Engadine Crusaders FC season and with a new year comes a fresh new look and feel for the club’s online presence. Let’s go through the changes and see what’s new!
First up the website has been completely overhauled with the prime focus on making it more interactive for all involved with the club. Gone is the labour intensive newsletter full of one sided match reports and in comes the online match centre right here on the website. If your team doesn’t want to write a full match report then they don’t have to. Try writing a few one line comments or even upload some match photos and even video.
One thing we want to encourage with the new match centre system is for teams to share their reports and media with their friends on Facebook by clicking the new ‘Like’ buttons and posting the story to their Timeline. Comments made on that particular post can then be tracked back to the website where others can join the conversation. This gets everyone involved and talking about the games. If you want to keep writing a single match report then you can continue to do that too. Just post the report to the site as you please.
The next change we have made to our online presence is getting serious about using our Facebook and Twitter pages. Again, don’t be shy to ‘Like’ (engadinecrusadersfc) or ‘Follow’ (@EngadineCrusadersFC) us on either of these sites! We need you to get involved in the conversation and start them yourselves. These are your sites afterall! Also, in the near future and along with the website, these will become major communication tools for the club so be sure to keep them handy.
In the end, the most important part of these changes is participation from you guys so don’t be shy to post or comment on whatever catches your eye.
Get involved and most importantly enjoy!